
Fareed Zakaria 采访 Wen Jiabao

在美国CNN上看到了9月23日Fareed Zakaria采访Wen Jiabao的原文视频

James Fallows 讲:
Interview appearances by Wen or president Hu Jintao are so rare, let alone with the foreign media, that this session is noteworthy simply for its existence.

在采访开始时,Wen Jiabao说了这样一段话,让我觉得有些意味深长:

Before we begin, I would like to let you know that I will use the words from the bottom of my heart to answer your questions, which means that I will tell the truth to all your questions.

I always tell people that sometimes I may not tell what is on my mind, that as long as I speak out what is on my mind, the words are true.

I think you are now interviewing a statesman, and at the same time you are interviewing a statesman in his capacity as a common people.

采访中涉及到了许多“敏感问题”:The issue of Darfur, the Dalai Lama, human rights, GFW, democracy

特别是当Zakaria提到Tiananmen square in 1989,并拿出当年Wen jiabao陪同Zhao ziyang的那副著名的照片,问:
I will take advantage of your kindness and ask you a question that many people around the world wonder about. There is a very famous photograph of you at Tiananmen square in 1989. What lesson did you take from your experiences in dealing with that problem in 1989?

Wen jiabao此时的表情让我觉得他心情复杂,他回答到:

I believe that while moving ahead with economic reforms, we also need to advance political reforms, as our development is comprehensive in nature, our reform should also be comprehensive.

I think the core of your question is about the development of democracy in China. I believe when it comes to the development of democracy in China, we talk about progress to be made in three areas:

No. 1: We need to gradually improve the democratic election system so that state power will truly belong to the people and state power will be used to serve the people

No. 2: We need to improve the legal system, run the country according to law, and establish the country under the rule of law and we need to view an independent and just judicial system.

No. 3: Government should be subject to oversight by the people and that will ask us, call on us to increase transparency in government affairs and particularly it is also necessary for government to accept oversight by the news media and other parties.

There is also another important aspect that when it comes to development of democracy in China, we need to take into account China's national conditions, and we need to introduce a system that suits China's special features, and we need to introduce a gradual approach.

2008.10.9 updata:

1 条评论:

  1. 有些问题。。角度不一样,答案也就不一样了。。
