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Aaron Swartz在2005年写的一篇博文《HOWTO: Be more productive》。

Aaron Swartz 亚伦·斯沃茨,于2013年1月11日自杀身亡。他是一位程式师、作家、政治组织策划人和网际网路积极行动主义者,14岁参与创造RSS 1.0规格、与John Gruber共同设计了Markdown排版语言。 2011年7月19日他被指控自JSTOR非法下载大量学术期刊文章,并遭联邦政府起诉被捕,虽然JSTOR表示并无意对Aaron提起诉讼,但联邦检察官依然起诉了他。

策略一,拖延症患者甚少完全不做任何事情。雷蒙德·钱德勒(Raymond Chandler)的"别无选择"(Nothing Alternative)策略:他每天安排专门的四个小时,并遵循以下两条准则:a) 你不是非写不可。b) 你不能做写作以外的事情。
策略二Aaron Swartz也提到了,叫做Create a false assignment,而且 Aaron Swartz说的更加深刻"convince yourself that it's fun. And if it isn't, then you need to make it fun."

HOWTO: Be more productive
Time has various levels of quality...First, you have to make the best of each kind of time. And second, you have to try to make your time higher-quality.

其一,Spend time efficiently
Choose good problems...Life is short so why waste it doing something dumb? It's easy to start working on something because it's convenient, but you should always be questioning yourself about it. Is there something more important you can work on? 

Have a bunch of them...Another common myth is that you'll get more done if you pick one problem and focus on it exclusively. I find this is hardly ever true...Having a lot of different projects gives you work for different qualities of time...It also makes you more creative. Creativity comes from applying things you learn in other fields to the field you work in.

Make a list...Integrate the list with your life...the best way to remember to look at it is to make looking at it what you would do anyway...

其二,Make your time higher quality
Carry pen and paper.

Avoid being interrupted...For tasks that require serious focus, you should avoid getting interrupted...Sometimes if you're really wasting time you should be distracted. It's a much better use of time to help someone else with their problem than it is to sit and read the news.

Eat, sleep, exercise...Time when you're hungry or tired or twitchy is low-quality time. Improving it is simple: eat, sleep, and exercise.

Talk to cheerful people...I always find myself much more inclined to work after talking to Paul Graham or Dan Connolly — they just radiate energy. It's tempting to think that you need to get away from people and shut yourself off in your room to do any real work, but this can be so demoralizing that it's actually less efficient.
Share the load...Even if your friends aren't cheerful, just working on a hard problem with someone else makes it much easier.

Procrastinatio...the more you try to go towards it the more it pushes you away...So what causes the mental force field? There appear to be two major factors: whether the task is hard and whether it's assigned. 

Break it down...A task is a specific concrete step you can take towards your goal...You build up a momentum, each task leading to the next. 

Simplify it...Writing a book seems daunting, so start by doing an essay. If an essay is too much, start by writing a paragraph summary. The important thing is to have something done right away...If your paragraph goes well, then maybe it can grow into an essay and then into a book, little by little, a perfectly reasonable piece of writing all the way through.

External incentives, like rewards and punishments, kills what psychologists call your "intrinsic motivation" — your natural interest in the problem...It even happens when you try to tell yourself what to do! If you say to yourself, "I should really work on X, that's the most important thing to do right now" then all of the sudden X becomes the toughest thing in the world to make yourself work on...It's very tempting to say "alright, I need to put all this aside, hunker down and finish this essay". Even worse is to try to bribe yourself into doing something, like saying "alright, if I just finish this essay then I'll go and eat some candy". But the absolute worst of all is to get someone else to try to force you to do something...So the secret to getting yourself to do something is not to convince yourself you have to do it, but to convince yourself that it's fun. And if it isn't, then you need to make it fun.

The real secret to productivity is the reverse: to listen to your body. To eat when you're hungry, to sleep when you're tired, to take a break when you're bored, to work on projects that seem fun and interesting.


fuckGFW: GAE + goagent + SwitchySharp

  1. 申请 GAE (Google App Engine)
    1. 用 Gmail 帐号登录 https://appengine.google.com/ (火星人请先申请 Gmail 帐号)
    2. 点击 "Create Application" 按钮
    3. "Country and Carrier" 下拉列表选择 "Other (Not Listed)",填写手机号码,号码前加中国编号,即 "+86"
    4. 收到验证码短信,填入 "Enter Account Code",点击 "Send" 按钮激活GAE。
    5. 在 “My Applications” 页面点击 “Create an Application” 按钮。
    6. 填写 “Application Identifier” 和 “Application Title”,点击 “Create Application” 按钮。
    7. 出现 “Application Registered Successfully” 页面,Application创建成功。
  2. Windows下安装 goagent
    1. 下载 goagent 并解压 http://code.google.com/p/goagent/
    2. 修改 local\proxy.ini 中 [gae] 下的 appid= 第1-6步填写的 Application Identifier (多appid用|隔开)
    3. 双击 server\uploader.bat,上传goagent服务器端到GAE,需要输入appid,gmail帐号和密码,为确保安全,最好申请Google应用程序专用密码填入。
  3. 运行goagent客户端
    1. Windows下运行local\goagent.exe
    2. Linux下运行local\proxy.py (即 python proxy.py)
  4. 安装SwitchSharp
    1. chrome浏览器中安装SwitchSharp
    2. 在SwitchSharp “导入/导出”标签下设置“在线恢复备份“为http://goagent.googlecode.com/files/SwitchyOptions.bak
    3. 在SwitchSharp “切换规则”标签下设置“在线规则列表”为https://autoproxy-gfwlist.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/gfwlist.txt,并立即更新。
  5. Linux证书导入 (Windows用户止步)
    1. Linux下Chorme浏览器打开Twitter时会出现“The site's security certificate is not trusted!”,原因是goagent证书没有导入系统。
    2. 安装证书导入工具:libnss3-tools
    3. 导入/local/CA.crt证书文件: certutil -d sql:$HOME/.pki/nssdb -A -t TC -n "goagent" -i $HOME/goagent/local/CA.crt
    4. 重启goagent客户端。



我并不喜欢用“小资”来界定一个作家,因为读者在成长,对同一部作品,不同年龄段会读出不同的味道;作家也在成长,不同时代的作品会有不同的思想。我要讲的是村上春树,喜欢他的书始于《挪威的森林》,了解其本人始于最近读到的两篇文章The running novelistJazz Messenger

I take a deep breath, glance back at the stairs I'd just climbed, then begin to contemplate the next stage of my life.
"I'd just like to be free to wirte for two years," I explained to my wife. "If it doesn't work out, we can always open up another bar somewhere. I'm still young and we'll have time to start over."
Once I began my life as a novelist, my wife and I decided that we'd go to bed soon after it got dark and wake up with the sun. To our minds, this was a more natural, respectable way to live. We also decided that from then on we'd try to see, only the people we wanted to see, and as much as possible, get by without seeing those we didn't.
Most of my friends were adamantly against my decision, or at least had doubts aout it. “Your business is doing fine now,” they said. “Why not just let someone else run it while you write your novels?” But I couldn't follow their advice. I'm the kind of person who has to commit totally to whatever I do. If, having committed, I failed, I could accept that. But I knew that if I did things halfheartedly and they didn't work out I'd always have regrets.
Inside my head, though, I did often feel as though something like my own music was swirling around in a rich, strong surge. I wondered if it might be possible for me to transfer that music into writing.
My style is as deeply influenced by Charlie Parker’s repeated freewheeling riffs, say, as by F. Scott Fitzgerald’s elegantly flowing prose. And I still take the quality of continual self-renewal in Miles Davis’s music as a literary model.
Whether in music or in fiction, the most basic thing is rhythm. Your style needs to have good, natural, steady rhythm, or people won’t keep reading your work. I learned the importance of rhythm from music — and mainly from jazz. Next comes melody — which, in literature, means the appropriate arrangement of the words to match the rhythm. If the way the words fit the rhythm is smooth and beautiful, you can’t ask for anything more. Next is harmony — the internal mental sounds that support the words. Then comes the part I like best: free improvisation. Through some special channel, the story comes welling out freely from inside. All I have to do is get into the flow. Finally comes what may be the most important thing: that high you experience upon completing a work — upon ending your “performance” and feeling you have succeeded in reaching a place that is new and meaningful. And if all goes well, you get to share that sense of elevation with your readers (your audience). That is a marvelous culmination that can be achieved in no other way.

When I tell people that I run everyday, some are quite impressed. “You must have a lot of will power,” they tell me. Of course, it's nice to be praised like this – a lot better being disparaged. But I don't think it's merely will power that makes once able to do something. The world isn't that simple. To tell the truth, I don't even think there's much correlation between my running everyday and whether or not I have will power. I think I've been able to run more than twenty-five years for one reason: it suits me. Or, at least, I don't find it all that painful. Human beings naturally continue to do things they like, and they don't continue doing what they don't like.

Now whenever I feel like I don't to run, I always ask myself the same thing: You're able to make a living as a novelist, working at home, setting your own hours. Yo don't have to commute on a packed train or sit through boring meetings. Don't you realize how fortunate you are? Compared with that, running an hour around the neighborhood is nothing, right? Then I laced up my running shoes and set off without hesitating.
The running novelistJazz Messenger两篇各提到了一个小故事,分别涉及创作和跑步:

One of my all-time favorite jazz pianists is Thelonious Monk. Once, when someone asked him how he managed to get a certain special sound out of the piano, Monk pointed to the keyboard and said: “It can’t be any new note. When you look at the keyboard, all the notes are there already. But if you mean a note enough, it will sound different. You got to pick the notes you really mean!

I often recall these words when I am writing, and I think to myself, “It’s true. There aren’t any new words. Our job is to give new meanings and special overtones to absolutely ordinary words.” I find the thought reassuring. It means that vast, unknown stretches still lie before us, fertile territories just waiting for us to cultivate them.

No matter how much long-distance running might suit me, of course there are days when I feel lethargic and don't want to do it. On days like that, I try to come up with all kinds of plausible excuses not to run. Once, I interviewed the Olympic runner Toshihiko Seko, just after he had retired from running. I asked him, "Does a runner at your level ever feel like you'd rather not run today?" He stared at me and then, in a voice that made it abundantly clear how stupid he thought the question was, replied, "Of course. All the time!"

Now that I look back on it, I can see what a dumb question it was. I guess that even back then I knew how dumb it was, but I wanted to hear the answer directly from someone of Seko's calibre. I wanted to know whether, although we were worlds apart in terms of strength and motivation, we felt the same way when we laced up our running shoes in the morning. Seko's reply came as a great relief. In the final analysis, we're all the same, I thought.

The running novelis的结尾,村上讲到
At any rate, this how how I started running. Thirty-three--that's how old I was then. Still young enough, though no longer a young man. The age that Jesus Christ died. The age that F. Scott Fitzgerald started to go downhill. It's an age that may be a kind of crossorads in life. It was the age when I began my life as a runner, and it was my belated, but real, starting point as a novelist.
“1935年的世界是一个多变的世界。这一年在世界上,波斯改国号叫伊朗了、英国鲍尔温当首相了、墨西哥革命失败了、意大利墨索里 尼身兼八职并侵略阿比西尼亚了、法国赖伐尔当总理了、挪威在南极发现新大陆了、德国希特勒撕毁凡尔赛条约扩张军力了、捷克马萨利克辞掉总统职务了、土耳其 凯末尔第三次连任总统了、 菲律宾脱离美国独立了。......”
另,还有一篇文章也值得一读,虽然有些教条 What Startups Can Learn From Haruki Murakami


China's Scientist Premier

《科学》杂志采访Wen jiabao(中文英文

与上次CNN采访有些相似,Wen jiabao在采访开始声明

... 要从孩子做起,使他们从小就养成独立思考的能力,在他们进入中学、大学后,使他们能够在自由的环境下培养创造性、批判性思维 ... 要培养科学家的科学道德。最重要的就是要坚持真理,实事求是,勇于创新,宽容失败。只有科学精神和实事求是的态度才能救中国,对于这一点我坚信不移。








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Fareed Zakaria 采访 Wen Jiabao

在美国CNN上看到了9月23日Fareed Zakaria采访Wen Jiabao的原文视频

James Fallows 讲:
Interview appearances by Wen or president Hu Jintao are so rare, let alone with the foreign media, that this session is noteworthy simply for its existence.

在采访开始时,Wen Jiabao说了这样一段话,让我觉得有些意味深长:

Before we begin, I would like to let you know that I will use the words from the bottom of my heart to answer your questions, which means that I will tell the truth to all your questions.

I always tell people that sometimes I may not tell what is on my mind, that as long as I speak out what is on my mind, the words are true.

I think you are now interviewing a statesman, and at the same time you are interviewing a statesman in his capacity as a common people.

采访中涉及到了许多“敏感问题”:The issue of Darfur, the Dalai Lama, human rights, GFW, democracy

特别是当Zakaria提到Tiananmen square in 1989,并拿出当年Wen jiabao陪同Zhao ziyang的那副著名的照片,问:
I will take advantage of your kindness and ask you a question that many people around the world wonder about. There is a very famous photograph of you at Tiananmen square in 1989. What lesson did you take from your experiences in dealing with that problem in 1989?

Wen jiabao此时的表情让我觉得他心情复杂,他回答到:

I believe that while moving ahead with economic reforms, we also need to advance political reforms, as our development is comprehensive in nature, our reform should also be comprehensive.

I think the core of your question is about the development of democracy in China. I believe when it comes to the development of democracy in China, we talk about progress to be made in three areas:

No. 1: We need to gradually improve the democratic election system so that state power will truly belong to the people and state power will be used to serve the people

No. 2: We need to improve the legal system, run the country according to law, and establish the country under the rule of law and we need to view an independent and just judicial system.

No. 3: Government should be subject to oversight by the people and that will ask us, call on us to increase transparency in government affairs and particularly it is also necessary for government to accept oversight by the news media and other parties.

There is also another important aspect that when it comes to development of democracy in China, we need to take into account China's national conditions, and we need to introduce a system that suits China's special features, and we need to introduce a gradual approach.

2008.10.9 updata:






J.K. Rowling在哈佛毕业典礼上讲过:
What is more, those who choose not to empathise may enable real monsters. For without ever committing an act of outright evil ourselves, we collude with it, through our own apathy.


To Live Is Better Than to Die

看过高耀洁的许多文章,找来陈为军的艾滋病纪录片《好死不如赖活》,看到其中一段马深义讲到“我不干对不起党和政府的事。得了身上这个病,还是要往大局上看。不要以为你得了这个病(做坏事),(政府)没有办法。你做了事,照样有办法治你!” 时,内心无法平静,却又不忍再说什么。